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Saturday, 31 May 2008

Trying to grab some time!!

Well I have just finished my first week at the agency and I've really enjoyed being back to work again. My job is not rocket science and I'm not really getting to interact with many people but it's a good stepping stone to see where I want to be in agency life!

I've got a big workload on this project so my head has been down all week! (I've got a very sore neck!!)

Of course because I only found out I'd be doing the job last Friday I had made loads of plans for this week!! I've been out every night!! (because I thought I would have been in the house every day!!)

And after the long bank holiday weekend (which was packed full!) I'm ready for a rest!

No such luck as I have a promotion on tomorrow- for Slendertone... and boy do I need to use their products!! I will have to be the before example!!

I've now been a member of the gym for 2 months and I've been twice!! Once to join and once to go swimming!! I need to change this big time!!

I am however looking forward to working with my friend Shona tomorrow- I haven't seen her in ages!! It'll be great to catch up!

And then on Sunday we are going to the 'Taste festival' in the Meadows in Edinburgh- a huge Foodie festival!! Yum!!! (doesn't quite work with my previous paragraph about hitting the gym!)

Well anyways before I tell you all about my week I'm going to go back to last weekend and get it all in chronological order!! Get this blog in shape!!

Happy catching up!! x

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