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Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Dougie's Dad's BBQ

On Saturday Dougie's Dad, Eric and his girlfriend Frances invited us down to their house in the Borders for a BBQ. Eric built the house himself over the last 4 years and it is beautiful! I loved the timber and stones- it is so tactile.

It was great to visit their home and hear Dougie tell stories about playing on the land when he was younger.
There are fields all round the property- it is so picturesque. Unfortunately Becky and I's hayfever kicked in big time and we were sniffling all day! Not so pleasant!
My Mum, Nathan (who seems to be checking out the tree?) and Becky.
Eric has planted a vegetable patch in his garden to grow his own produce. It's his first year so he has said there has been mixed success.
The raspberry bushes seem to be doing very well though. He has laid them out in an orchard effect so they are easier to pick.
Nathan, My Mum and Dougie. The boys cooked all the meat for the BBQ.
Frances created a beautiful spread with lots of summer salads, quiche, potato salad.... the best bit was her desserts which were amazing! I have to get her banoffee pie recipe- it was so good!!
There were a lot of Frances and Eric's friend's at the BBQ and we were all sat at picnic tables by the side of the house. It was great to meet new people especially Frances' daughter Jennifer and Granddaughter Hannah.
Becky had told me a lot about little Hannah. She is such a content little girl and enjoyed all the attention. Becky and I had to laugh as whenever anyone took a picture of either of us with Hannah we had an over exaggerated, animated look on our faces!
Dougie and Nathan
Becky and Dougie
Dougie and his Dad- taken especially for Becky and Dougie to put up in their flat.
Becky and my Mum, who was up from London for a long weekend to celebrate Becky's birthday.
The back of the house. I thought this picture looked quite beautiful with the sun streaming through the trees.
Nathan and I
Becky, My Dad, My Mum and I

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