Wedding Countdown Ticker

Saturday, 16 April 2011


So I know I have been religiously writing this blog for over 3 years now.... actually it is pretty much spot on 3 funny I just checked and it is exactly 3 years. My first post was the 16th April 2008..... I love it (I am going to add an image to celebrate the fact!) It makes me so happy to look back at the last 3 years and it reminds me of the little things I have forgotten and the sad & happy times I will never forget.  

It has grated me in the last 4 months that I haven't had time to update my blog but really I have had no time to catch breath with anything. Work was CRAZY in January and February (60 hour weeks are no fun!) wedding planning has been full on and amongst many other responsibilities I have been looking after my Grandma's affairs and trying to sell her house. So it's not been easy.

However I don't know what it is but this past week I felt like I've come up for air. Work is still very busy but it is manageable. I even found time to exercise (I need to do so much more as I want rid of those bingo wings for the wedding!) and have been loving Nathan's Clan Fitness early morning sessions (can you believe I have been working out at 6.30am!! (who would have thought it!) I am loving the classes and can see results already (bonus!)

It is my hen weekend this weekend and I am now sitting on the Saturday morning (I should be in bed building up my sleep for tonight) but I am so excited. The girls throw me a beautiful shower last night... I can't wait to post photos. It was fantastic. I feel so much love from friends and family and am so looking forward to the future.

So the plan is to update the last 4 months... I'm a stickler for everything being chronological as I want to turn this into a printed book for me to keep.

Then hopefully I will be up to speed in 6 weeks time. Because 6 weeks today I will probably also be up extremely early due to over excitement because it will be our wedding day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it has flown by so fast. For a while the 18 month engagement seemed long but since Christmas we haven't even caught breath.

Nathan has asked that in the run up to the big day that I don't post anything about the wedding as he feels it will spoil it for all our guests and I can see his point. As the new Mrs Pike I plan to move my blog to a new web address.... for a new chapter. So watch this space.

But for now I hope you enjoy the posts from the last 4 months and here's to the excitement of the next 6 weeks!! x x

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