After living out of a suitcase for 2 months I well and truly feel like I am finally back in the land of the living!!
After moving out of our flat at the end of July I am finally back!! We rented it out for the Edinburgh festival in August during which time I went to London for a total of 5 weeks and then 2 weeks on holiday I have finally returned to Edinburgh and our flat!! Hooray!!
After moving out of our flat at the end of July I am finally back!! We rented it out for the Edinburgh festival in August during which time I went to London for a total of 5 weeks and then 2 weeks on holiday I have finally returned to Edinburgh and our flat!! Hooray!!
Things are still not settled down- most of our belongings are still in storage and I'm going to have to be very clever about where I put them when we bring them back in as we are now renting out the 2nd bedroom, so there is less room. (smart move by Nathan!! Especially with the current financial climate!)
Ed, our new flatmate has not been there much this week as his girlfriend, who is lovely, Wendy has just finished her own flat so they've been enjoying it!
I've been enjoying getting back to cooking and getting settled again. I even cleaned the house from the top to bottom- even the shower curtain got a wash!! But I have yet to tackle Nathan and I's bedroom... he's still not put anything away since he returned a month ago!! (mmm...) So that might be this weekends job! 

Ed, our new flatmate has not been there much this week as his girlfriend, who is lovely, Wendy has just finished her own flat so they've been enjoying it!

For now I have spent the day job searching!! I am really keen to get away from freelancing and get something full time work. 7 months of freelancing, PRing and babysitting have been tough... you don't realise how much you take a monthly salary for granted until it's not there!!

I am still in the running for two positions that I would be very keen to get. I just hope it isn't history repeating itself!! This summer I had two jobs that I interviewed for 3-4 times before getting down to the last 2 candidates and then didn't make it over the finish line!! So frustrating as it was so close... but I keep telling myself.. If it's not meant to be then what's meant for you won't go by you! but very soon I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and do something that I really don't want to!!
It also seems like since I've been away in London the whole economy has gone so pear shaped!! It's scary!! But hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel... and for now I am just thankful to be back in our home with Nathan!!

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