Well its my last day today working in London. It's been 5 weeks of experiencing a very different type of life. Getting up going to work, standing on the underground for an hour, working till late, getting the underground home for an hour, having tea and going to bed!
It's not all been bad- as my blog shows I've had some fun times too. I think it would be different if both Nathan and I were down here and I had a home to come to each night. Although it was good to spend time with Mum in her flat and share her life in London.

Last night I was so tired I got a taxi home along the Embankment... it was so lovely. It looked so picturesque. And just as my taxi stopped at the traffic lights at Big Ben it struck 9pm... it was quite cool seeing it 'bong' in real life. (for the American's benefit Big Ben is always shown on the evening news! as it is beside the houses of Parliament.)

The one thing I will defenitely not miss about London is the Underground. Now it's a great system when it works but all this week Bank Stations escalators haven't been working so I've had to get off and get a bus after being on the District line for 45 minutes.. and it is SO overcrowded in the morning and sweaty! The number of times I've stood with seat dripping down my back after I'd just had a shower!! (I'm sure you wanted to know that!!- sorry!)

But it's been a good experience and I've enjoyed working with
Martha Schwartz Partners. I've also learnt a lot and look forward to finding a similar full time opportunity in Edinburgh!
I leave tonight for a whirl wind 48 hour trip to Edinburgh- I have a second interview with a company on Friday. I am also going to see my Grandma- who has sadly not been well. And then Nathan and I are going for dinner on Friday night- I can't wait to see him. I'm glad I've had a chance to go back to Edinburgh as otherwise I would have only seen him once in 7 weeks!
As I am flying back down to London on Saturday night along with Becky and Dougie and we are off to join my parents in Cape Cod!! Hooray! I can't wait.

I am there for 2 weeks vacation in a house that my Mum has rented for us. We have family and friends coming to visit so it should be a great trip! We are staying in
Woods Hole near the Martha's Vineyard ferry drop off. I think I should still have internet access when I'm there but if not that's where I'll be and I'll see you in 2 weeks!!
You have really had wonderful experiences, and I love your blogg.
Have a wonderful vacation with your family, tell them all HI. I can't believe you are so close yet so far away!!! Love ya lots, Your USA Mom
This is a terrific blog. Keep up the good work.
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