It's not really a tag as I'm tagging myself but hey if you want to do it too it's good fun!!
I'm just looking for some escapism at lunch time!! I have a huge submission to do for work- due on Friday so I need some down time!!
The rules: Answer all the questions and type in the answer into Google images. Find a picture on the first 3 pages and post it. Kind of fun!
My first name: Jennifer

My age: 28

A place I'd like to visit: I'd love to go back to the Almalfi Coast in Italy and also go to New Zealand. Both Nathan and I feel a draw to NZ- maybe one day we'll end up there!

What I'm doing right now: Eating lunch

A nickname of a good friend: We all call Hillary- Hills... so it's not too far to leap on the image front!

My favorite color: To many to choose! So Pastel Colours Mainly- also French Blue, Cornflower Blue and Mint Green and white!! (if that counts as a colour!)

A bad habit: I hate DISHES!! So I have been known- on more than one occasion! (try most weeks) to leave the dishes overnight on the work surfaces because I have no energy or enthusiasm for cleaning them after dinner... I do suggest though- if I had a dishwasher (which we can't fit in our tiny kitchen) I would be much better!! ... well maybe!!

Jennie, how did you get to be 28, you were only 28 yesterday!!! Miss you!!!
Jennie, I mean 18 yesterday!
That was really fun to read!
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