Saturday 13th September

These two crack me up! But not as much as they make each other giggle! It was so good to see them joking around. Emma G (as she is now) was down with Sean, her husband (sounds so funny to say!) as they'd gone to see Stevie Wonder the night before. Emma B and I met them in Covent Garden (back at the same place we'd been the weekend before!) The Rock Garden!
It was great fun and we had a good giggle and catch up! I was just sad Hillary couldn't be there!

Not quite sure why we all look so jaundioused!! I think it was because the sun was setting!
Emma and Sean headed off about 6 and Emma and I went back to my Mum's flat to watch some tv and enjoy the evening... We had visions of sitting on her balcony sipping wine- relaxing. Only to get home and discover that she had taken the key with her to America!!

We felt like caged animals looking out at the gorgeous balcony and not able to enjoy it!
So we got our tasty M&S meal for 2 for £10- including a bottle of wine (what a bargain) and we settled down to watch the Proms (A summer classical music festival that accumulates in the last night of the proms where everyone is very patriotic) Emma's little sister Anna is in the Scottish National Youth Choir so we watched out for her- and sure enough we spotted her!

By the time the night was over we'd had way more than a bottle of wine (each!) and were dancing on the bed pretending to wave our Union Jack flags and signing along to Rule Britannia!! Oh! Dear!! Needless to say my head was a little sore the next day!
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