As someone remarked the other day- they have never been to a more middle class event! Which I suppose is true! The taste festival showcases all the great restaurants in Edinburgh- giving you a chance to try samples from their menu. Now these are the creme de la creme of restaurants!!
You buy crowns- the taste festivals currency and then at each stand you can purchase a sample of a starter, main or dessert.
I'd heard from Hannah that Martin Whishart's dessert was to die for... but before I could make a bee line for his stand Nathan insisted that I tried starters and main courses first!!
The festival was on for 4 days but sadly I was working on the Saturday and we couldn't go then ... it was glorious sunshine all of Saturday- great for working at my promotional activity but it would have been better being at Taste!!
Sadly when we went on the Sunday the weather had turned and it was torrential rain!! Not good for an outdoor festival! But we were prepared... I had my wellies on and Nathan had a big brolly.
It wasn't quite the same sipping cocktails in the rain!! but we still had a great time... and who knows maybe in the future we might get to go to the restaurants to try a full compliment of the delights they have to offer... sadly it won't be the price of a few Taste crowns though!!
Below is Martin Whishart's main course- Braised shin of Ross-shire Beef, Pearl barley and root vegetables... the dessert wasn't on the plate long enough to photograph- it was Dark Chocolate Mousse, orange curd and chocolate shortbread. It was Divine!! There were not only different textures in it but it felt like v

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