My Grandma tells stories about taking me on buses into town or walking along Portobello promenade and aged 3 I would talk to everyone and anybody (some things never change then!!)
Recently my Grandma and I have had some brilliant honest chats about life and relationships and it might sound silly to say but this wonderful 81 year old has given me some great advice!! I tell you she could give Carrie Braidshaw a run for her money!!
When I finished school she gave me a ring which she had saved up and bought with her first wages, back in her teens. She has always worked and has been a grafter at that! Every time I look at the ring she gave me I am reminded of her work ethic and the qualities I have inherited from her.
I was really touched as recently she again gave me a beautiful gift- a very sentimentally heirloom- I told her I would wait until she passes on to receive it, so she can continue to enjoy it, but she is worried that the things she wants to give people won't go to the right person. It was very sweet and such a touching moment. I really will treasure it always.
However more than the possessions she has given me I will treasure the lessons she has taught me.
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