We had another quick turnaround of visitors on the Sunday night! San and Nelson left about 4pm and then my mum's relatives arrived on the Sunday evening.
John Bouldry is my Grandfather's cousin. John's mother was the youngest sister of my Mum's Grandmother. There was a large age gap so my Mum and John are closer in age.
When I was 9 years old we first visited John's father in Monterey, California and were introduced to his family. We also stayed with John Bouldry Jnr's family in San Diego whilst they were stationed there. I have very fond memories of our visit there which included visiting Disney World and the beach!...and of course San Diego zoo!
We have always kept in touch with the Bouldry's. John's children Melissa and Micheal are close to me in age. We have visited them in Germany and Virginia and have spent some fun Christmas together in the States and Scotland.
Melissa was the first of the Bouldry's that we meet when she came over to Scotland with her grandfather in 1988 and we couldn't believe that it's been 20 years since then!! Her brother Micheal couldn't be with us but we had a great catch up over the phone. He lives in Chicago now and Melissa had just been to visit him- it looked like great fun!
They visited with us for 3 nights in Cape Cod and we had a great time. We went over to Martha's Vineyard on the first day and went from Vineyard Haven to Edgertown this time. I was amazed that each of the towns were so different on this small island. Edgertown was beautiful and filled with gorgeous white houses- I think this is where the sea captains mainly lived.
A beautiful house in Edgertown
Dad and I on a porch swing in Martha's Vineyard
Some wild turkey's that we saw near the road on Martha's Vineyard
The view from the restaurant in Edgertown
The second day we drove over to Hyannis and stopped for some lunch before travelling to visit John's cousin on his father's side, Jan and her husband Bob in their house in Brewster. We went past their house the first time and I was admiring the beautiful house... only to have to do a U turn and we came into the same house I'd admired! We had a great visit with them. They had great friends staying with them also who told some brilliant stories.
My Dad and Bob got on brilliantly and I loved their attitude to life. Talk about doers!! They had a wonderful garage/building built beside their property. On the basement level was the canoes that they have built or restored. The next level was the workshop with fishing rods and the garage and then the top floor had a great den and library with a balcony off it... looking right out to sea. Then was the piece de resistance!! Bob collects trains- I have never seen anything like it! 3 walls filled with trains!! He is in the middle of building a track/ landscape in the middle of the room. He showed us his trains and did a demonstration- it was brilliant! 

They are out and about all summer but in the winter when they are not in Florida they carry out all their hobbies in their secondary building. This is now one of my ambitions in life! To have a gorgeous building on my property that I can house all my hobbies and crafts!! I was inspired!
The next morning before the Bouldry's headed off we went to Mongers for Breakfast- so tasty! It was a great visit and so nice to catch up with them. I def want to make a visit to Pinehurst some time soon... and DC and Chicago!! 
1 comment:
Thanks for pulling together our family tree. I'm sorry I had to stay put in Chicago, and miss the trip to Cape Cod. It would appear that you had no problem at all enjoying yourselves fully in my absence! Excellent pics, hope we have a chance to see each other soon.
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