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Wednesday, 20 May 2009

French White

I found a great wee site with a number of things that I loved! Melody Maison has lots of French themed white accessories for the home.
I would love a mirror like this is our hall (although maybe a bit more ornate- we could hang up things- which we really need and I also like the little shelf. I really need more space in our kitchen and this would be great to put on the wall for every day items. I'd be worried it would fall off and smash all the plates though!!

I really like this! It's very cute and I could put all our postcards and wedding invites into it.
I love candles- I love that the candle light would be reflected in the mirrors and they look quite art deco.
One of the Accies girls, Emily has these either side of the bed in their guest bedroom. They work really well and give great addition space. I like the idea of having one of these in our spare bedroom.
I am not sure it would fit but it would be great to get a blanket box to fit into the window recess in our spare room. We could put all the linens where the moths can't get to them. (living in an old building has it's draw backs!)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Love it all - the white decor is totally your style!! I actually think of you when I see classic white decor!! You are so fab-o!!!