Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, 18 May 2009


I am more of a cat person having been the proud owner of a very naughty, ginger, tom cat- Fluffy (although he was in no way fluffy) for 19 years! We got him when I was 3 and sadly he passed when I was 22- now that's good innings!!I am trying to convince Nathan that we should get a cat but to be fair we need to wait till we have a house with a garden- same as when I was 3 then!!

However the breed of dog that could convince me otherwise would be a Beagle! They look so cute!! I got very over excited when we saw 2 Beagles being walked through Melrose on Sunday. They were gorgeous!!

The thing is they are pack dogs so I think you'd have to get two- so I guess I have to wait till we have made loads of money and have a lovely big garden for them to roam in... but I can dream!

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